Tax & Legal Update

Defence strategies for tax proceedings with possum-playing tax administrator

A tax administrator should proceed without undue delays, keeping with the principle of promptness of proceedings and procedural efficiency. However, this is not always the case. Therefore, in the following article of our Tips and Tricks section, we…

CJEU on disclosure of beneficial owner information

In EU member states, the legal regulation of beneficial owners and their registration is based on the AML Directive. Under the directive, information on beneficial owners within the territory of member states should be accessible to any member of…

Disguised legal act in payment of dividend to beneficial owner

In its recent judgment, the Supreme Administrative Court (SAC) dealt with a profit distribution payment to a Cypriot company. After assessing the entire context of previous transactions, the SAC held that the actual status had been disguised and…

New call under TREND to support research and development

On 23 November 2022, the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TA CR) announced the 9th call under the TREND programme, sub-programme 2. Support is available for projects aimed at launching research and development activities by entities that…

Amendment brings greater protection for farmers and food producers

An important amendment to the Act on Significant Market Power has successfully passed the legislative process and will enter into effect on 1 January 2023. In addition to introducing a broad list of prohibited business practices, it will now apply…

DMA: feared by online platforms, bringing hope for users

Soon, the online world will undergo a radical transformation. As of 1 November 2022, the Digital Markets Regulation entered into force, which will mainly affect large companies doing business in the digital world – such as Apple, Google, or…

CJEU on awarding free-of-charge vouchers to employees

The provision of vouchers to employees free-of-charge does not always mean an obligation to pay output VAT on the transactions. The CJEU (C-607/20) drew attention to the possibility of employers providing them as part of their economic activity,…

Changes in mandatory establishment of databoxes

The mandatory establishment of data boxes for all natural persons will most likely be abolished. The legislative amendment introducing the mandatory establishment of data boxes from 1 January 2023, which is already valid but not yet in effect, will…

News in Brief, December 2022

Last month’s tax and legal news in a few sentences.

Agency employment facing significant changes

The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs has published a draft amendment to the Employment Act and the Labour Code, introducing new conditions for employment agencies and their employees. The amendment aims to increase the protection of agency…

News in consumer protection legislation

The Amendment to the Consumer Protection Act and the Civil Code will bring several important changes aiming to increase the protection of consumer rights and make it more efficient. Below we provide a summary of some of the changes.

Overview of current and planned subsidy programmes

New subsidy support opportunities this year were mainly provided by the Operational Programme Technology and Application for Competitiveness (OP TAC). Subsidy support could also be obtained from other programmes such as the Modernisation Fund or the…