Tax & Legal Update

Amendment to Act on Register of Beneficial Owners

Less than a year has passed since the new law on the registration of beneficial owners came into force, and already the Ministry of Justice together with the Ministry of Finance is proposing an amendment to change, inter alia, the beneficial owner…

Fourth call to TRANSPORT 2020+

On 6 April 2022, the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic announced the fourth call to participate in the TRANSPORT 2020+ programme.

Overstepping search procedure boundaries may affect tax assessment deadline

In a recent decision, the Supreme Administrative Court commented on a tax administrator's overstepping of the boundaries of a search procedure, stating that the activity had in fact been a tax inspection. This had a major impact on the expiry of the…

VAT fixed establishments and foreign subsidiaries

The Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) has dealt with the question of whether a parent company‘s VAT fixed establishment originates in another EU member state where its subsidiary is located and provides the parent company with marketing and other…

What comes after a tax inspection?

The tax inspection process can be long, but even the most tedious review will come to an end eventually. Let's take a look at how an inspection is closed, when the additionally assessed tax is due, how to defend against the inspection findings, and…

Chamber of deputies temporarily reduces excise duty on diesel oil and petrol

To mitigate the effects of the energy crisis on fuel prices, the government has proposed an amendment to the Excise Duty Act, whereby the excise duties on diesel oil and unleaded petrol are to be temporarily reduced by CZK 1.50 per litre from 1 June…

Development in administrative practice for fuel cards

The VAT treatment of fuel cards is a closely watched topic. Although the cards are frequently used by vehicle operators to refuel, the VAT Act does not offer any detailed guidance on the correct application of the tax: the VAT treatment of these…

Interest on retained excess VAT deductions: SAC clarifies practice

In its current judgment, the Supreme Administrative Court (SAC) revisited the topic of interest on retained excess VAT deductions. This time, the court declared unlawful the practice whereby as of 1 July 2017 the tax administrator reduced the…

Recognition of Ukrainian qualifications still difficult

The European Commission has issued recommendations to member states to simplify the administrative procedure and ensure a speedy recognition of the professional qualifications of Ukrainians seeking refuge in the EU.

Beware of errors in personal data protection impact assessments

The Office for Personal Data Protection (OPDP) has published its annual report for the past year, drawing attention to the mistakes made by data controllers in the processing of data protection impact assessments (DPIAs).

Sixth call to Environment for Life programme

The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic has announced preparations for the sixth call to participate in the Environment for Life programme, aimed at supporting environment-related applied research, experimental development, and innovation. The…

Practical commentary on legislation concerning refugees from Ukraine

In connection with the Russian invasion of Ukraine, three laws were published in the Collection of Laws on 21 March, regulating the residence, employment, benefits, and education of Ukrainian refugees. From a practical point of view, what must they…