Tax & Legal Update

What’s new in tax for employees in 2022?

With the new year come changes in the taxation of employees and social security and health insurance contributions. The basic tax relief per taxpayer has increased and the limit from which wages are taxed at 23% under progressive income taxation has…

Reintroduction of the compensation bonus for entrepreneurs

Considering the renewed spread of the SARS-COV-2 virus and new restrictive measures that may negatively impact business operations, the chamber of deputies approved the Compensation Bonus Act for 2022 in a fast-track legislative procedure. The bill…

How to set wage ranges in job vacancy reports

When employing foreigners, reporting job vacancies to the Labour Office is an important step. Practice shows that when preparing a job vacancy report, it is important to correctly define not just the required qualification and place of work, but…

Regional court: tax administrator erred in applying transfer pricing rules to…

The Regional Court in Hradec Králové sided with the taxpayer against a tax administrator who, without any basis in law, treated a part of a company's transactions with independent entities as controlled transactions. The tax administrator then…

EP: multinationals to publish profits and taxes paid in individual countries

On 11 November 2021, the European Parliament approved a proposal for the directive introducing public country-by-country reporting. The CbC report, informing, among other things, about profits generated and taxes paid, broken down by individual…

New VAT rules for tour operators from 2022

Tour operators will encounter significant changes in the VAT area as of 1 January 2022. From that date, tour operators should start declaring VAT on advances received and should not calculate VAT based on aggregated monthly data. Furthermore,…

Carer’s allowance and self-isolation payment relaunched

Within the new wave of the pandemic, the number of adults and children becoming ill is again increasing, and so is the number of employees staying at home. The government has proposed restoring benefits for employees who are unable to attend work.

GFD clarifies procedure regarding VAT waiver for electricity and gas

According to the General Financial Directorate (GFD), the waiver of VAT shall apply to electricity intended for any purpose. As for gas, the waiver shall apply both to supplies through the distribution system, and to tankers and cylinders. The GFD…

News in brief, December 2021

Last month’s tax and legal news in a few sentences.

Personal Data Protection Office imposing penalties mainly for unsolicited…

The Office for Personal Data Protection has published an overview of its inspections for the first half of 2021. The office most often and most severely sanctioned sending of unsolicited commercial communications. Penalties were also imposed for…

SAC once again restrains tax administrators from collecting tax, cost what it may

The Supreme Administrative Court has published a long-awaited judgment in the case of the pharmaceutical company ELI LILLY ČR, s.r.o., which concerned the invoicing of marketing and distribution costs. The company sought to achieve minimum…

CJEU: conditions for denying right to deduct VAT if invoice includes fictitious…

The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) dealt with the question of whether a recipient of a taxable supply in the reverse charge regime may be denied the right to deduct VAT if the invoice indicated a fictitious supplier.