Tax & Legal Update

Final calls for popular programmes under OP EIC

Last calls under the Potential, Application and Innovation – Innovation Project programmes were announced under the Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovation for Competitiveness (OP EIC) that is slowly drawing to an end. These programmes are…

Future direction of EU business taxation

The European Commission has issued its Communication on Business Taxation for the 21st Century, summarising current actions and future plans in response to the OECD debate on changes to international tax rules and the introduction of minimum…

CJEU on roaming services’ place of supply

In the case of SK Telecom Co. Ltd, No. C-593/19, the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) dealt with the determination of the place of supply for roaming services, following the rule of effective use and enjoyment.

Current developments in green finance

Although the Czech Republic is hardly a European leader in green investment and sustainable finance, financial institutions, headed by big banks, are getting ready for the new regulation. Apart from increasing transparency, the following years will…

Last year’s development of competition law – Czech Anti-Trust Office case law (II)

In this article, we summarise the decision-making practice of the Office for the Protection of Competition (“Anti-Trust Office”) in individual areas, including related statistics. We also focus on how successful competitors have been in…

Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs provides easier labour market access for…

The employment of foreigners has long raised a number of practical questions that employers and foreigners themselves often find difficult to answer. The Act on the Residence of Foreign Nationals in the Czech Republic (Foreigners’ Residence Act) or…

New operational programme under European Green Deal

The European Union has committed itself not to produce any greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, when it plans on becoming a climate neutral continent. In connection with this, a European Green Deal has been entered into and a Just Transition Fund has…

Digital services tax approval on the horizon

After more than a one-year break, the government's bill on digital services tax has moved on to the next phase of the legislative process. The final third reading in the Chamber of Deputies, which will also vote on all motions to amend the bill made…

How to minimise additional tax assessment sanctions?

The conclusion of a tax inspection resulting in an additional tax assessment is associated with sanctions: a penalty plus default interest; the latter, while technically not a sanction, may be many times higher than the penalty. The Tax Procedure…

Time test for tax exemption upon spouses’ community property settlements

The Coordination Committee of the General Financial Directorate (GFD) and the Chamber of Tax Advisers confirmed that the time test for the tax exemption of income from the sale of shares (ownership interests in a business corporation) shall not be…

Financial administration again answers questions about changes to tax depreciation

Even after months of the Income Tax Act’s amendment’s validity, the retroactive effect of the changes to tax depreciation has still not been fully clarified. For the third time, the financial administration has again updated the Q&A file on its…

GFD explains new meal allowance rules

From 1 January 2021, employers may use a new form of meal contribution under the amendment to the Income Tax Act: the monetary meal allowance. The General Financial Directorate (GFD) issued information that answers some of the questions raised by…