Tax & Legal Update

European financial transaction tax back on the table

Portugal is trying to reopen in the Council the debate on the proposal for a financial transaction tax at the EU level. The debate should focus on setting the conditions of taxation and avoid political issues.

EU introduces stricter controls of goods on import

Importers of goods into the EU should beware. From 15 March 2021, Release 1 of ICS2 – a new electronic system for controlling imports of goods into the EU – is underway. ICS2 will contribute to increasing the effectiveness of customs controls,…

Census obligatory for Czechs and foreigners

On Saturday, 27 March, the 2021 Population and Housing Census began, for the first time in history offering the possibility of online participation. Whom does it concern, what obligations does it involve and what should be watched out for?

Concluding contracts between single-member companies and their members

In small, single-member companies, the member is usually closely involved in the company's activities and its management, therefore often holding the office of the statutory body. Sometimes, the sole member who represents the company as its…

Representation of limited liability company by statutory representatives and its…

When founding and operating a limited liability company, its members usually deal with the issue of setting up its corporate governance and defining the powers of the statutory representatives (executives). In this article, we will present the…

OP EIC – new calls for summer 2021

Last calls under the popular Potential, Application and Innovation – Innovation Project programmes are to be announced under the Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovation for Competitiveness (OP EIC) that is slowly drawing to an end.

Modernisation Fund – new environmental support

The Modernisation Fund as a new EU programme for 2021–2030 provides support for investments to modernise energy systems, improve energy efficiency and use renewable resources.

Another call under TREND

The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic has announced the fourth call to participate in the TREND programme – Sub-Programme 2 – Newcomers.

2021 amendment to VAT Act: platforms and One-Stop-Shops

A draft amendment to the VAT Act, to enter into effect on 1 July 2021, introduces the deemed supplier concept for electronic interface operators (platforms). This concept should be applied when a platform facilitates certain distance sales of goods…

New COVID-related business support programmes

The government announced new programmes to support business activities: COVID – Uncovered Costs and COVID – 2021. Applications will again have to be submitted through the Ministry of Industry and Trade’s Agenda Information System (AIS MPO) portal as…

Waiver of sanctions for late filing of 2020 income tax returns

With respect to the persisting effects of the SARS-COV-2 pandemic, the Ministry of Finance has issued another liberation measure that under certain conditions waives the penalties charged to taxpayers for the late filing of income tax returns for…

Obligatory testing of employees

On 1 March 2021, the Ministry of Health issued an extraordinary measure, ordering the obligatory testing of employees at companies. The measure is effective from 3 March 2021 until further notice.