
Ombudsman: how to improve treatment of EU workers

EU legislation aims to ensure that in member states, domestic workers and those from other EU countries are treated equally. A level-playing field is essential for free movement in the EU internal market. However, a recent survey by the Czech…

SAC on rules for mutual representation of states in issuing Schengen visas

The Czech Republic does not have diplomatic representation in all countries whose citizens are subject to visa requirements. The same applies to other Schengen member states. While this does not mean that citizens of those states cannot travel to…

Antivirus’ Regime B suspended again

The long-awaited Regime B of the Antivirus programme, reactivated in November 2021, has again been suspended as of 1 January 2022. 

Stricter conditions for foreign workers relocations

During the past year, the coordination body for state border control and migration management repeatedly changed the conditions for using governmental economic migration programmes. The last changes entered into effect in December last year.

Will amendment to the Act on the Protection of Competition bring significant changes?

Even though the Czech Republic has already missed the deadline for the transposition of the relevant EU directive, it is yet again attempting to amend the Act on the Protection of Competition. The amendment should allow to keep the identity of…

Big changes ahead for databoxes. Will you get one, too?

The ever-present emphasis on digitisation will also have a significant impact on communication via databoxes. The first changes brought about by an amendment to the law regulating databoxes will already be effective from January 2022.

How to set wage ranges in job vacancy reports

When employing foreigners, reporting job vacancies to the Labour Office is an important step. Practice shows that when preparing a job vacancy report, it is important to correctly define not just the required qualification and place of work, but…

Personal Data Protection Office imposing penalties mainly for unsolicited…

The Office for Personal Data Protection has published an overview of its inspections for the first half of 2021. The office most often and most severely sanctioned sending of unsolicited commercial communications. Penalties were also imposed for…

Carer’s allowance and self-isolation payment relaunched

Within the new wave of the pandemic, the number of adults and children becoming ill is again increasing, and so is the number of employees staying at home. The government has proposed restoring benefits for employees who are unable to attend work.

Antivirus Regimes A and B extended until end of February

On 29 November 2021, the government decided to extend Antivirus Regime A until the end of February 2022, while at the same time activating Regime B from 1 November 2021 to 28 February 2022, thus responding to the current adverse development of the…

Beware of high penalties when posting workers abroad

Although the European and Czech regulation of special rights of employees posted abroad is quite old, many employers are unaware of its existence or choose to ignore it arguing that no one will find out. With such ignorance, they are risking heavy…

Cookies and marketing calls only with prior consent

From 1 January 2022, an amendment to the Electronic Communications Act will allow obtaining and processing cookies only with provable user consent. The requirement to obtain consent will not apply to technical cookies. Similarly, it will be possible…