
Major changes to Foreigners’ Residence Act

Apart from implementing the EU Blue Card Directive into Czech law, the amendment to the Act on the Residence of Foreign Nationals introduces other fundamental changes from 1 July 2023.

Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs refrains from changing ‘Svarc system’…

The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs wanted to fundamentally change the definition of illegal work, to facilitate its prosecution: the long-term character of the relationship would no longer be decisive for assessing it as illegal. However,…

Fundamental changes in rail passenger rights

On 7 June 2023, the revised EU regulation on rail passenger rights and obligations entered into effect. The new rules will affect everyone, especially passengers with disabilities, and passengers transferring to another route or transporting…

Changes in conditions for holding an office in a corporation

An amendment to the Corporations Act came into effect on 1 July, introducing partial changes to the conditions for exercising an office as members of statutory bodies of corporations. The law now contains a closed list of obstacles to holding such…

Heated flavoured tobacco not available from October

The European Union and the Czech Republic are following the global trend to reduce the consumption of tabaco in their population. From 23 October 2023, it will no longer be possible to sell flavoured heated tobacco products, so very popular among…

AI under control: European Parliament moves landmark regulation to trialogue

In mid-June, the European Parliament (EP) voted on its comments on the proposal for a regulation on artificial intelligence (AI), kick-starting trialogue negotiations. This brings the EU one step closer to adopting the world's first ever…

New block exemptions for R&D and specialisation agreements in force since July

The European Commission has adopted revised horizontal block exemption regulations for research and development (R&D) and specialisation agreements, including related interpretation guidelines. The aim is not only to remove some ambiguities but also…

General corporate loyalty principle in practice

Courts often deal with the issue of due managerial care. Persons and entities are obliged to act as a proper manager when managing a company's financial affairs. Less often, higher courts also deal with the principle of general corporate loyalty.

What will the new whistleblowing law bring and why does it not protect anonymous…

The whistleblower protection bill has passed the senate and is now heading to the president. Its effective date is expected at the end of the summer. The bill implements the EU directive on the protection of persons who report breaches of law at the…

Czechia introducing deposit for PET bottles and cans

The Ministry of the Environment is preparing an amendment to the Packaging Act introducing a deposit-refund system for metal and PET drink containers. What will the system look like in the Czech Republic?

Amendment to Labour Code: major changes to remote work rules

A draft amendment to the Labour Code is heading to the chamber of deputies. The bill has undergone significant changes since last autumn when it was first published. From an employers’ perspective, the changes to the rules for working from home are…

Amendment to Labour Code: further changes for workers under agreements outside…

Agreements to perform work and agreements to complete a job (i.e., agreements on work performed outside employment) are very popular in the Czech Republic. The updated wording of the proposed amendment to the Labour Code, which was published by the…