TREND programme to support development of 5G technologies

In October, the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TA CR) announced the 8th call to participate in research and experimental development under the TREND programme with a focus on the development of 5G and higher technologies.
Eligible for support will be industrial research and experimental development projects aimed at putting research results into practice, in particular into industrial production and product offerings on the market, as well as projects developing new services, technologies and materials, and increasing the level of automation and robotics and the use of digital technologies.
The planned funds for allocation are CZK 300 million. Large businesses may also apply for support. The maximum aid intensity may reach up to 50% of eligible costs for large businesses and up to 65% of eligible costs in the case of effective cooperation. The maximum aid amount per project is EUR 15 million. Applicants may submit a maximum of four project proposals under this call.
Applications will be accepted from 6 October to 23 November 2022. Applicants must start the physical implementation of the project between June and August 2023 and complete it by 31 December 2025 at the latest. The project should take between 12 to 31 months.
Only projects that involve putting the project results/outputs into practice can be supported. The project results/outputs thus represent binding parameters to be achieved by the time of project completion. The project result/output may be an industrial design, utility model, prototype, functional sample, software, semi-production, or proven technology.
Eligible costs include personnel costs, subcontracting costs, other direct costs, and indirect costs of up to 20 % of the actual recognised personnel costs and other direct costs in the relevant calendar year.
If you are interested in this programme, we will be happy to examine whether your activities can qualify for support.