Changes in occupational health services during state of emergency

The government has adopted an emergency measure on periodic and other health checks. As in the spring, the measure introduces the possibility to use (in specified cases) affidavits instead of initial health checks, or not to perform periodic health…

Tax liberation package extended to retail and provision of services in business premises

The Ministry of Finance adopted another tax liberation package, extending the waiver of road tax and income tax prepayments and VAT-related default interest to entrepreneurs operating in retail and the sale and provision of services that had to…

Second wave of applications for COVID – Rent support under way

Following the reintroduction of measures restricting retail and the provision of services, the government has come up with a second call to participate in the COVID – Rent programme. Applications may be submitted until 21 January 2021.

Tax liberation package waives selected prepayments

The Ministry of Finance adopted another tax liberation package, postponing selected tax duties of entrepreneurs most affected by the government’s latest emergency measures by waiving road tax and income tax prepayments and VAT-related default…

Government extending some subsidy programmes and introducing new ones

On 14 October 2020, the government approved several subsidy programmes for entrepreneurs affected by the coronavirus pandemic. This involves extending the effectiveness of some of the previous subsidy programmes and introducing some new ones. The…

Compensation bonus for the self-employed and small limited liability company members is back

On 16 October 2020, the government approved a bill on compensation bonuses for entrepreneurs predominantly operating their business within closed segments of the economy. The bill proposes a compensation bonus of CZK 500 for every calendar day of…

More generous Regime A of Antivirus to continue until year end

On 14 October 2020, the government approved the extension of Regime A of the Antivirus programme until the end of this year. Effective from 1 October, for employers under forced restrictions of operations this type of support will be distinctly more…

Impact of health ministry’s protective measures on travel and employment in the CR

Since 5 October 2020, a new protective measure of the Ministry of Health has been in effect, aiming to slow down the spread of COVID-19 in the country. The measure restricts the crossing of borders by both Czech citizens and foreigners, and is…

The government has decided: Antivirus A and B to continue until the end of October

On 24 August 2020, the government approved the extension of the present regimes A and B of the Antivirus programme until 31 October 2020; originally, both were supposed to end at the end of August. Regime C, comprising the waiver of social security…

The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs has presented ‘kurzarbeit’

At the end of August, the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs published a draft amendment to the Employment Act introducing into Czech law the long-awaited support during partial unemployment, commonly called ‘kurzarbeit’. Kurzarbeit is to replace…

Rules for employing foreigners changed again in July

In step with the epidemiologic situation both in the Czech Republic and worldwide, the Ministry of Health continues to regularly update protective measures regulating the entry of foreign nationals into the Czech Republic. Two new protective…

New COVID programme – Accommodation

The government has approved the Ministry of Local Development’s proposal to provide new support to providers of accommodation services. The state will contribute CZK 100 to CZK 300 per every room according to the standard of accommodation over the…