Senate passes Amendment to Investment Companies and Investment Funds (ICIF) Act

On 29 May 2024, the senate approved an amendment to the Act on Investment Companies and Investment Funds (ICIF) and related laws including changes to some parts of the consolidation package<…

Technical amendment to consolidation package approved by chamber of deputies

During the discussion of an amendment to the Act on Investment Companies (Print 570), the chamber of deputies approved proposals to amend the Income Tax Act and other laws amended at the end of 2023 within the consolidation

Technical amendment to consolidation package on horizon

As part of the second reading of an amendment to the Act on Investment Companies (Print 570), the coalition deputies have submitted proposals to amend the Income Tax Act and other laws amended at the end of 2023 within the consolidation

Consolidation package: detailed overview of changes

The Parliament approved the The Act on the Consolidation of Public Budgets. Most of the provisions are proposed to come into effect on 1 January 2024. Below we summarise the planned changes in tax and related areas.

Possibility to keep accounts in foreign currency now part of consolidation package

The governing coalition has agreed on amendments to the bill on the consolidation of public budgets (the consolidation package planned to enter into effect from 1 January 2024). The bill…

Consolidation package may negatively affect VAT on lease and resale of cars above set limit

The government's consolidation package limits the right to deduct VAT for passenger vehicles in category M1 with a purchase price of over CZK 2 million. This will have a negative impact…