Summary of measures aimed at providing support and relief to businesses and employees

The government has adopted several measures to provide support to businesses and their employees during the coronavirus pandemic. Below, we offer you a summary of these measures.

COVID III guarantee programme will support businesses with up to 500 employees

On 18 May 2020, the Government announced the COVID III programme to support entrepreneurs whose business activities have been limited as a result of COVID-19 and the corresponding protective measures. Although the programme follows on from the…

Crossing borders after the state of emergency

The state of emergency ended in the Czech Republic after 66 days on 17 May. Although many restrictions still remain in place, there have been several changes. The current conditions governing the entry of foreigners to the Czech Republic are…

Modification of occupational health check-ups after the end of the state of emergency

The Ministry of Health has issued an extraordinary measure to prolong the validity of affirmations which replace initial medical check-ups, as well as the validity of periodical and extraordinary check-ups by 30 or 90 days of the end of the state of…

Can employers take employees’ temperatures before they enter the workplace?

As the measures adopted to avoid the spread of COVID-19 are loosened, employees can gradually return to their workplaces. The Office for Personal Data Protection (OPDP) has dealt with the question of whether employers are authorised to take their…

The State pledges to pay half of the rent for entrepreneurs

On Monday, 18 May 2020, the Czech Government approved the COVID – RENT programme. The programme’s aim is to support entrepreneurs who have not been able to pay the rent for their business premises as a result of the COVID-19 emergency measures. The…

COVID plus – experience with utilising EGAP guarantees

The COVID plus guarantee programme provides support for large businesses with at least 20% of their total annual revenue from sales coming from export. The window for filing applications has been opened as the European Commission has approved…

Antivirus programme update

At the beginning of April, the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs launched the “Antivirus” programme, enabling employers to get a partial refund for the compensations for salaries they had to pay to their employees due to certain impediments to…

Legislative news in the area of employment

We present a summary of the most recent employment and social security legislation in connection with the coronavirus pandemic.

Reduction of penalties for late payment of social security premiums by employers

The Government approved a legislative proposal reducing penalties for late payment of social security premiums and contributions to the State employment policy by the employer. The proposed measure aims to improve the employers’ cash flow by…

European Commission proposes deferring of DAC 6 deadlines and postponement of other taxation rules

In connection with the Coronavirus pandemic, the European Commission has approved a proposal deferring certain deadlines for exchange of information among Member States on certain cross-border tax planning arrangements under the DAC 6 Directive by…

Further loosening of rules for foreigners

On 4 May 2020, the government adopted several resolutions significantly expanding the options for foreign employees to come to work in the Czech Republic, thus at least partially accommodating the needs of employers. The government should resume the…