VAT treatment of unauthorised electricity consumption
In Case C-677/21 Fluvius Antwerpen, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) ruled on whether a supply of electricity that is unvoluntary and a result of a third party’s unlawful conduct constitutes a taxable supply of electricity carried…
Consolidation package may negatively affect VAT on lease and resale of cars above set limit
The government's consolidation package limits the right to deduct VAT for passenger vehicles in category M1 with a purchase price of over CZK 2 million. This will have a negative impact on the lease of passenger cars with a purchase price above the…
CJEU on the VAT treatment of electricity supplies from charging stations
In its recent judgment, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) held that the charging of electric vehicles and the provision of related services constitute a complex transaction consisting of a supply of goods.
Italy: platform use in exchange for user data is barter; VAT base is the data’s value
The Italian tax administration has assessed additional output VAT to a platform on which users can register and use it free of charge. According to the tax administrator, this involves the provision of services for consideration, more precisely…
CJEU on the VAT treatment of real property sales
In judgment C-239/22, the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) specified that the criterion of ‘first occupation’ of immovable property means the first use of the property by its owner or tenant. The application of VAT to the sale of the property then…
Supply of energies at capped prices: clarification of VAT treatment
Compensation for the supply of electricity and gas at capped prices constitutes a consideration received from a third party, on which the electricity or gas suppliers must pay VAT. The Ministry of Finance expressed this opinion following the…
Energy price capping: compensation subject to VAT?
In February, the government approved an amendment to the government decree on compensation paid to suppliers for the delivery of electricity and gas at fixed prices, which was supposed to clarify whether this compensation is subject to VAT. The…
Any progress with VAT system digitisation?
The draft amendment to the VAT Directive which has already undergone the first public comment procedure, aims to digitise the value added tax system and establish a legal framework to level the business environment across EU member states.
CJEU on the right to deduct VAT if supplier pretends to be another person
The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) recently ruled that taxpayers involved in tax fraud shall be denied the right to deduct VAT in full, even if the loss of tax revenue (tax evasion) is lower.
CJEU on determining place of supply for services provided within VAT chain fraud
According to the basic rule, the place of supply for granting emission allowances is the place of the service recipient. Involvement in tax fraud has no effect on this determination, ruled the CJEU in case C-641/21 Climate Corporation Emissions…
CJEU on awarding free-of-charge vouchers to employees
The provision of vouchers to employees free-of-charge does not always mean an obligation to pay output VAT on the transactions. The CJEU (C-607/20) drew attention to the possibility of employers providing them as part of their economic activity,…
Fuel card market to change significantly?
The application of VAT on fuel cards is a much debated topic among the professional public, mainly due to the lack of relevant legislation. The EC's VAT Committee has issued a working paper which rather surprisingly does not entirely conform to the…