Tax & Legal Update

VAT refunds post-Brexit

The General Financial Directorate has issued information on VAT refunds to UK entities after Brexit.

Summary of e-commerce changes (2021 VAT amendment)

From 1 July 2021, significant changes in VAT on the cross-border sale of goods over the internet enter into effect, concerning both sales within the EU and imports from third countries. The place of taxation will be the country of the recipient,…

COVID-19 vaccinations for employees posted abroad

Vaccinations against COVID-19 are in full swing in the Czech Republic. Currently, 30-year-olds may register to get their shots; from June, registration should open for all persons over the age of 16. This means that virtually the entire productive…

News in brief, June 2021

Last month’s tax and legal news in a few sentences.

Consular fees payable by card at 76 more embassies

Since March of last year, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the CR has been testing a non-cash payments project at selected embassies. During the testing period, it was possible to pay consular fees at these embassies not only in cash, by bank…

New EU rules on state aid

At the end of April, the European Commission adopted new rules on regional aid to enter into effect on 1 January 2022. The new rules bring significant changes, in particular for applicants for investment incentives, as they also concern the Czech…

Tax deductibility of interest on acquisition loans in intragroup restructuring

The Municipal Court in Prague agreed with the tax administrator challenging the tax-deductibility of interest on an acquisition loan in an ‘intragroup’ restructuring.

CJEU on fuel cards once again

The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) denied the right to deduct VAT on fuel to a taxable person who provided fuel cards to transport companies; the CJEU thus confirmed the conclusions formulated in judgment C-235/18 Vega International.

Country-by-Country Reporting data publicly available?

Country-by-Country Reporting (CbCR) is one of the pieces of the puzzle that provides a view of a multinational corporation’s transfer prices. Rather than looking at individual entities, CbCR, fairly truthfully depicts how the group operates in…

Ban on dual food quality and other novelties in sales regulation

Effective 12 May 2021, the amendment to the Food and Tobacco Products Act responds to legislative changes at the EU level. In particular, it prohibits the marketing of dual-quality food and introduces stricter traceability of tobacco products. It…

Last year’s development of competition law and its present impact — I

The Office for the Protection of Competition has published its annual report for 2020, which, inter alia, deals with legislative developments and decision-making practices in the field of competition law. This article summarises changes in…

Detailed home-office regulation still not in sight

While with the COVID-19 pandemic working from home has been a hot labour-law topic for over a year, its detailed regulation in the Labour Code is still missing. This should change with the amendment to the Labour Code proposed by KDU-ČSL deputies.…