Tax & Legal Update

2021 amendment to VAT Act introduces deemed supplier concept

The VAT position of electronic interface operators will change dramatically from 1 July 2021. In connection with a planned amendment to the VAT Act relating to e-commerce, individual e-shops ensuring the sale of goods from foreign suppliers will…

News in brief, March 2021

Last month’s tax and legal news in a few sentences.

News in brief, February 2021

Last month’s tax and legal news in a few sentences.

OECD on loss situation due to COVID

Lower levels of demand. Disruptions to supply chains. Increases in exceptional, nonrecurring operational costs. These are the key factors which have led to a loss situation faced by many companies of multinational groups during the COVID-19 pandemic…

Third call to apply for COVID – Rent support

The COVID - Rent programme, partly compensating for rent-related expenses for selected retail outlets and facilities providing services, will open for the third time. The third call directly follows the previous call. Moreover, the deadline for…

Waiver of VAT on COVID-19 vaccines, tests, and respirators

The Minister of Finance has decided to waive VAT on supplies of in-vitro diagnostic medical devices for COVID-19 testing and COVID-19 vaccinations. The decision shall be in effect from 16 December 2020 to 31 December 2022 and has been published in…

SAC on existence of a permanent establishment

In its recent decision, the Supreme Administrative Court (SAC) dealt with selected facts giving rise to a foreign entity’s permanent establishment in the Czech Republic. In particular, the court pointed out that the tax administrator must produce…

SAC on proving indirect shareholding expenses

The Supreme Administrative Court (SAC) has recognised that it is not easy to prove the exact amount of overhead (indirect) expenses related to holding a share in a subsidiary. However, this practical pitfall does not change the fact that if a…

Providing financial services from the UK post-Brexit

The end of the Brexit transition period has had a huge impact on UK companies providing any kind of financial services. From 1 January 2021, it is no longer possible to enjoy the benefits of the freedom of establishment and freedom to provide…

Brexit: Protocol on UK-EU social security coordination

After endless negotiations between the UK and the EU, a deal was struck at the turn of 2020, avoiding a hard Brexit. Among other things, the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement makes it possible to continue applying some EU social security rules…

One step closer to interconnecting commercial registers within EU

The harmonisation of EU law regarding the use of digital tools and processes in corporate law has taken on a concrete form: an amendment to the Act on Public Registers, implementing a part of the changes prescribed by the EU directive into Czech law…

Changes to Qualified Employee relocation programme

As of 1 January 2021, both the minimum wage and the lowest guaranteed wage level have increased. This affects, among other things, one of the programmes for the economic migration of foreigners – the Qualified Employee programme. And this is not the…