Tax & Legal Update

CJEU: Imports of goods from third countries without the right to deduct VAT?

In the case of Weindel Logistik Service (C-621/19), a company providing repacking services to its customers, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) confirmed the conclusions of the financial administration and denied the right to deduct…

Effects of Brexit on income tax in 2021

Although the United Kingdom already left the EU as of 31 January 2020, the transition period during which the United Kingdom is still viewed as an EU member state will end on the last day of 2020. It seems unlikely that the transition period will be…

Online fraud or: “misfortune a mouse click away”

Increasingly often, we’ve come across cases where clients have fallen victim to sophisticated online fraud. Since virtually anyone can potentially become a victim of social engineering, let this article be a warning of this dangerous phenomenon.

Last calls under OPEIC

The end of the programme period for the Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovation for Competitiveness (OPEIC) is approaching, but support may still be drawn. On 24 November 2020, the Ministry of Industry and Trade announced another call under…

2021 tax package

The Chamber of Deputies has passed an amendment to the tax laws for 2021 (Print No. 910) in the third reading. The bill is now to be debated by the Senate. The most important changes that the tax package introduces to income tax are the abolition of…

Ministry of the Interior’s operations limited during pandemic

As the pandemic develops, the functioning of some departments of the Ministry of the Interior, namely the Department of Asylum and Migration Policy (OAMP) and the Department of the Foreigners’ Police, has been changed. Until now, only clients with…

Travellers’ Traffic Light (Semafor) changing colours

On 9 November 2020, the Czech Ministry of Health disclosed a measure regulating the rules for foreign nationals arriving and staying in the Czech Republic. Countries are divided into three groups according to the level of risk of infection and are…

Antivirus A Plus – improved support for closed businesses

On 14 October 2020, the government extended Regime A of the Antivirus programme until the end of the year, and at the same time launched Regime A Plus with retroactive effect from October 1. The new regime offers significantly more favourable…

Second wave of emergency carer’s allowance

As in the spring, the government has responded to the second wave of the pandemic by taking steps to financially support both employers and employees, as well as the self-employed. Among other things, the measures adopted include an ‘emergency’…

Neither creditor nor debtor have to be VAT registered at the time of correcting tax…

Is it compatible with the VAT Directive that both creditor and debtor must be taxable persons for VAT purposes both when providing the supply and when correcting/reducing the taxable amount? The Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) dealt with this…

Tax liberation package extended to retail and provision of services in business…

The Ministry of Finance adopted another tax liberation package, extending the waiver of road tax and income tax prepayments and VAT-related default interest to entrepreneurs operating in retail and the sale and provision of services that had to…

Second wave of applications for COVID – Rent support under way

Following the reintroduction of measures restricting retail and the provision of services, the government has come up with a second call to participate in the COVID – Rent programme. Applications may be submitted until 21 January 2021.