Tax & Legal Update

Antivirus programme with a new coat

The government decided to extend current Regime B of the Antivirus programme and, simultaneously, the chamber of deputies approved long-awaited Regime C, involving the waiver of part of social security premiums and state employment policy…

Anti-crisis tax package: reduction of VAT and road tax

The chamber of deputies passed an anti-crisis tax package involving, apart from the long-discussed tax loss carry-back, a reduction of the VAT rate on selected services as well as a reduction of certain road tax rates. The bill is now to be…

Refunding undisputed retained excess VAT deduction confirmed by CJEU

In a case involving a Czech entity, the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) confirmed that EU law does not preclude refunding an undisputed portion of a retained excess VAT deduction, under certain conditions. This should also be reflected by an…

News in brief, June 2020

Last month’s tax and legal news in a few sentences.

Who is liable to pay VAT upon imports – the declarant, or the goods‘ owner?

The Supreme Administrative Court (SAC) held that the customs declarant, i.e. the ‘regime holder’ is liable to pay tax upon the import of goods from a non-EU country. In the court’s opinion, by lodging the customs declaration, such an entity…

Effect of COVID-19 on transfer pricing of intra-group loans

The current pandemic puts pressure on firms to keep positive cash flows and cash balances. Multinational groups are thus facing the issue of financing their companies. In the most affected industries, access to bank loans has worsened, leading to an…

Changes to tax loss carry-back

The chamber of deputies has passed an anti-crisis tax package that, among other things, introduces the option to carry back tax losses. The originally proposed concept has been further extended: for instance, it should be possible to claim a 2020…

Czech Republic deposits MLI with OECD depositary

On 13 May 2020, the Czech Republic deposited its instruments of ratification for the Multilateral Convention to Implement Tax Treaty Related Measures to Prevent Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (MLI) in Paris. So far, the MLI has been signed by 94…

CJEU: interest on retained excess VAT deduction not to equal REPO rate

The Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) answered a prejudicial question concerning a Hungarian company claiming interest on a retained excess VAT deduction from its local tax administrators. The CJEU held that the calculation and amount of such…

Constitutional Court deals with exchange rates upon acquisition of securities

The Constitutional Court (CC) dealt with a taxpayer’s complaint regarding the conversion (to Czech currency) of the acquisition cost of securities whose sale took place in a different taxable period than the acquisition. The CC confirmed the…

Residence of foreigners after the state of emergency

During the state of emergency, the Asylum and Migration Policy Section of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in charge of the foreign nationals agenda, limited its activity to essential matters concerning the residence of foreigners. How is it…

SAC: chaining of tax losses inadmissible

The Supreme Administrative Court (SAC) has dealt with whether it is lawful to repeatedly extend the deadline for assessing tax, which in the event of repeatedly incurred losses, might never end. The SAC held (8 Afs 58/2019-48) that such a ‘chaining’…