Tax & Legal Update

Time period for providing additional information to a tax refund application not a…

The Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) ruled in the case of Sea Chefs Cruise Services GmbH (C-133/18) that the one-month period to provide additional information to an application for tax refunds is not a limitation (lapse) period. What does this…

Supervisory board member a taxable person for VAT purposes

Last month, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) dealt with the question whether a member of a foundation’s supervisory board is a taxable person for VAT purposes. In the case in question, the supervisory board member did not act in…

Passengers entitled to compensation also for delays of flights operated by a non-EU…

Mid July 2019, the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) dealt with the issue of claiming compensation for a significant delay of a flight operated by a non-EU carrier. When two connecting flights are booked by a single reservation with an EU-based…

Court explains the treatment of tax (non-) deductible expenses before 2015

The Municipal Court in Prague recently (10Af 60/2018 - 46-53) dealt with the applicability of Section 24(2)(zc) of the Income Tax Act as amended effective 1 January 2015 to taxable periods before 2015. 

Interest on retained excess deductions after 1 January 2015 – part one

The issue of compensation for unreasonably long examinations of excess deductions has again been raised with the Supreme Administrative Court. This time the court discussed the amount of interest for the period after 1 January 2015 when a 1%…

Personal Data Protection Office imposes first fines for GDPR breaches

With the adoption of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has come considerable uncertainty among personal data controllers and processors as to the amount of penalties to be imposed by the Personal Data Protection Office for its breaches.…

Simpler liquidation of corporations?

The government approved a draft decree aiming to simplify the liquidation process for legal entities from an administrative and financial viewpoint. Some entities will be entirely released from their duty to publish the date of their entering into…

New regulation of beneficial ownership

The Ministry of Justice has recently prepared a bill on the register of beneficial owners, which should replace and enhance the transparency of the existing beneficial ownership regulation contained in the Act on Public Registers and the AML Act …

Draft amendment introducing changes to assignment of workers

In June, the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs submitted to the government a draft amendment to the Labour Code and the Employment Act in connection with the transposition of an amended EU directive concerning the posting of workers in the…

New call to receive support for energy saving measures in enterprises

The Ministry of Industry and Trade announced the fifth call within the Energy Savings programme on 16 July 2019, aiming to provide support to businesses adopting energy savings measures in their enterprises (including the use of energy from…

One step closer to efficient resolution of disputes arising from interpretation of…

The governmental bill on international cooperation in resolution of tax-related disputes in the EU has been submitted to the Chamber of Deputies. The bill responds to the necessity to implement the EU Directive on tax dispute resolution mechanisms…

GFD sheds light on application of VAT on vouchers

The General Financial Directorate (GFD) issued its Information on the Application of VAT on Vouchers, clarifying the application of value added tax on various types of vouchers and illustrating tax implications on several examples from practice.