
Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs plans further changes to employment of…

The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs is planning stricter penalties for illegal work and disguised employment mediation. The absence of a prior (final and conclusive) penalty for these offences will now be a precondition for employing…

Anti-trust office wants access to location data

The Office for the Protection of Competition is proposing several changes to competition law that would significantly strengthen its powers in detecting and punishing cartel agreements. Access to telephone location data, random and preventive…

RSUs as employee remuneration option

Abroad, RSUs (restricted stock units) are a relatively common and effective tool for rewarding employees. They are becoming increasingly popular in the Czech Republic where, in a highly competitive labour market, retaining the best employees is a…

Jubilee for health insurance debtors

Another debt jubilee is being prepared, this time focusing on health insurance. A group of deputies has submitted to the chamber of deputies a bill on the extraordinary remission of penalties on public health insurance premiums, under which…

Czech Republic prolongs temporary protection and extends residence permits for …

The Ministry of the Interior has launched a system for the extension of temporary protection, allowing Ukrainian refugees to prolong their legal stay until 31 March 2025. At the beginning of the year, the range of residence permits that can be…

Paying with stamps soon to end

Apart from the much-discussed tax changes, the consolidation package has also brought one less mentioned but nonetheless significant innovation: the abolition of the payment of fees by stamps. How to prepare for this, and what to do with any unused…

Changes to illegal work definition and agency work conditions

From 1 January 2024, an amendment to the Employment Act will enter into effect, introducing changes in employment and rules for employment agencies. One of the most discussed changes is a new definition of illegal work (a last-minute reintroduction…

Changes in rules for granting de minimis aid from 1 January 2024

Last year saw the end of two important state aid regulations: the general regulation on small-scale aid (de minimis regulation) and the regulation on small-scale aid to providers of services of general economic interest (SGEI de minimis regulation).…

Abolition of additional agreed overtime and other labour-law changes in the…

The beginning of the year brought new conditions for health professionals. The amendment to the Labour Code mainly responds to widespread protests by healthcare workers against the recent extension of overtime work in their sector, and to other…

Digitisation of Schengen visas receives green light

On 13 November 2023, the Council of the EU adopted rules for the digitisation of processes related to the issuing of short-stay or Schengen visas. What changes will this bring?

Consumer credit: new obligations for providers and new rights for consumers

In October, the EU directive on credit agreements for consumers entered into force, replacing the previous directive from 2008. The need for new consumer credit legislation arose due to rapid technological developments and the ongoing digitisation…

Notification obligations for parties to mergers and procurement procedures

Until recently, EU state aid rules regulated only subsidies granted by EU member states. Subsidies from third countries were not regulated, which gave their recipients an advantage over other operators on the EU market. This is now to be prevented…