Tips and tricks

Even the tax authority must meet deadlines

Not only taxpayers but also tax administrators must keep an eye on deadlines. There are lapse periods, after which it is no longer possible to take action and decisions issued by the tax administrator after the expiry of such time limits are…

Default interest: how it arises and how to reduce it

At the end of June, the Czech National Bank raised the repo rate again, this time to 7% p.a. This significantly affects the amount of interest under the Tax Procedure Code. From 1 July 2022, default interest will be calculated at a rate of 15% p.a.…

How to extend the deadline for filing a tax return beyond the regular deadline?

The basic deadlines for filing income tax returns for the 2021 calendar year already passed on 1 April or 2 May, where the three-month or four-month deadline for electronic filing is concerned, respectively. The final statutory six-month deadline,…

What comes after a tax inspection?

The tax inspection process can be long, but even the most tedious review will come to an end eventually. Let's take a look at how an inspection is closed, when the additionally assessed tax is due, how to defend against the inspection findings, and…

What evidence to keep should tax authority come knocking?

By the time the tax authority arrives, it may be too late to think about what documents the taxpayer should have kept. Hence, let's look at the specific evidence that the tax authority may require during various tax inspections, as there are…

When does burden of proof lie with tax authority?

The tax authorities often put taxpayers in the position of having to prove the overall accuracy of the tax reported in their tax returns. The burden of proof is generally on the taxpayer, but in certain cases it can rest on the tax authority instead…

How to present evidence in tax proceedings, or: less is sometimes more

Many of you have no doubt encountered a request for evidence during a tax inspection. However, being overzealous in providing evidence may not always pay off. What specific evidence a taxpayer is required to produce at each stage of a tax…

Who bears the burden of proof in tax proceedings and why is it important to know?

The questions of who bears the burden of proof in tax proceedings and when has plagued many a taxpayer and even tax administrators. The burden of proof is distributed between them and during tax proceedings usually shifts from one to the other. The…

Information obligation: what question may tax officers ask?

The tax authorities often call upon taxpayers – both formally and informally – to provide them with information or documents. While the information obligation towards the tax administrator is rather extensive, it does have its limits. Sometimes,…

When do penalties for additional tax returns arise? How to avoid them?

Generally, no penalty arises if the incorrectly paid tax is corrected in an additional tax return. Unfortunately, the amendment to the Tax Procedure Code effective from 1 January 2021 gives rise to situations where an additional tax return can lead…

Need more time to respond to tax authorities? Apply for deadline extension

Imagine a tax administrator's notice arrives in your data box. The deadline is insufficient, and you are rightly concerned that you will not be able to prepare your standpoint and collect the necessary documents in time. The Tax Procedure Code takes…

Minimising sanctions: other options to reduce default interest

As a sanction associated with an additionally assessed tax, default interest can often be more severe than a penalty. Default interest waiver options, discussed in the previous issue of the Tax and Legal Update, are very limited where tax…