World news

Preferential tax treatment is illegal public aid, even FC Barcelona will feel it

The Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) has finally closed a long-standing dispute over the preferential tax treatment of the largest football clubs in Spain. The conclusion is unforgiving: FC Barcelona, FC Real Madrid and other clubs will have to pay…

European financial transaction tax back on the table

Portugal is trying to reopen in the Council the debate on the proposal for a financial transaction tax at the EU level. The debate should focus on setting the conditions of taxation and avoid political issues.

Right to disconnect? Higher protection of employees in sight

The European Parliament has asked the European Commission to submit a draft directive allowing employees to log off from work after working hours without being sanctioned for such behavior in any way. According to the parliament, the expansion of…

Brexit: Protocol on UK-EU social security coordination

After endless negotiations between the UK and the EU, a deal was struck at the turn of 2020, avoiding a hard Brexit. Among other things, the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement makes it possible to continue applying some EU social security rules…

Providing financial services from the UK post-Brexit

The end of the Brexit transition period has had a huge impact on UK companies providing any kind of financial services. From 1 January 2021, it is no longer possible to enjoy the benefits of the freedom of establishment and freedom to provide…

OECD on loss situation due to COVID

Lower levels of demand. Disruptions to supply chains. Increases in exceptional, nonrecurring operational costs. These are the key factors which have led to a loss situation faced by many companies of multinational groups during the COVID-19 pandemic…

VAT after Brexit deal

On Christmas Eve, after lengthy negotiations that were very tense up to the last moment, the UK finally struck an agreement on its future relationship with the EU. For EU companies, this means that preparations made so far will not be wasted. Below…

Customs procedure post-Brexit

Brexit is drawing unstoppably closer, even though the coronavirus pandemic seems to have upstaged it for now. Early next year, however, the UK's withdrawal will hit us with full force. Which is why British experts are trying to shed light on at…

Effects of Brexit on income tax in 2021

Although the United Kingdom already left the EU as of 31 January 2020, the transition period during which the United Kingdom is still viewed as an EU member state will end on the last day of 2020. It seems unlikely that the transition period will be…

International rules for taxation of digital economy progress next stage

In mid-October, the OECD released for public comments its revised rules for the taxation of the digital economy. The final version of the rules including draft legislation is planned to be issued in mid-2021. The rules are still based on a two…

Business with Northern Ireland after Brexit

The European Commission has prepared a draft of changes to the VAT rules applicable to trading with Northern Ireland. The draft has been submitted as part of the preparations for Brexit at the end of this year. The new rules adjust the existing…

European Commission’s first plans for tax reform within the EU

In mid-July, the European Commission published a first draft of a new tax package aimed to boost the economy and create fair and simple taxation rules within the EU. A more detailed version will be published at the end of 2020, should the OECD’s…