Coordination Committee clarifies VAT treatment of employee benefits, leaves open symbolic payment issue

The Coordination Committee of the Chamber of Tax Advisors and the General Financial Directorate recently discussed a paper on the VAT treatment of employee benefits and the symbolic…

New limit for health-related benefits

The chamber of deputies is currently debating an amendment to the Employment Act and other changes to laws. In the area of income tax, it is proposed to introduce a new limit specifically for health

Provision of company car to employee

A common employee benefit is the possibility to use a company car for private purposes. How to provide this benefit correctly? What is the effect of the vehicle’s emission parameters? How to proceed when a vehicle is provided exclusively for private…

Tax labyrinth of employee benefits - most discussed topics

Below, we summarise the problematic areas discussed during our January seminar focused on employee benefits and meals from 1 January 2024. Most questions were related to topics causing…

Super-gross tax base for benefits from third parties – the case continues

In July 2018, the Regional Court in Hradec Králové confirmed the duty to apply the “super-gross tax base” also for benefits provided to employees by third parties. The issue was now dealt…

When does the super-gross salary concept apply to benefits from third persons?

The Regional Court in Hradec Králové has recently dealt with the income tax implications of employee benefits provided by third persons. The court’s decision affects the determination of…

Three changes to employee taxation

Tax exemption of employee benefits expanded. New deductible item for bone marrow donation. Further increase in minimum wage in 2018.