Capping energy prices: tips and experience
Large enterprises with capped energy prices have completed their first evaluations and submitted their reports on the assessment of financial benefits. We summarise our experience with the Ministry of Industry and Trade’s Agenda Information System …
Support research and development with subsidies under TREND programme
The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TA CR) has announced the preliminary parameters of the call to participate in the TREND programme to support industrial research and experimental development. This is the 10th call for proposals, this…
Tips on how to prepare for aid inspections
Have you applied for subsidies under the OP EIC or are you now planning to apply for support under OP TAC? You may then be subject to an inspection of compliance with the subsidy conditions by one or more public institutions. The Ministry of…
Draft amendment to Investment Incentives Act to be discussed by government
In March, the government will discuss the long-prepared and debated amendment to the Investment Incentives Act including the relevant decree. We consider the main reasons for the upcoming change to be the poorly set up process of approving…
Horizon Europe programme for innovation development in enterprises
Horizon Europe is the research and innovation framework programme running from 2021 to 2027. It is the most important instrument for supporting research and innovation in Europe and worldwide. Successful projects will be entitled to the…
Long-awaited first calls under OP TAC
On 1 September 2022, the new Operational Programme Technology and Application for Competitiveness (OP TAC) started accepting applications for the Application, Innovation, and Energy Savings programmes. The Application and Energy Savings programmes…
Promotion of corporate circular economy solutions
On 20 July 2022, the Ministry of Industry and Trade announced the first call for support for the circular economy under the National Recovery Plan. The programme is designed to accelerate the transition to a circular economy.
Subsidies to support digitisation
On 9 June 2022, the Ministry of Industry and Trade announced the first calls for support for enterprise digitisation from the National Recovery Plan. Support in the form of subsidies for the purchase and implementation of advanced digital…
Sixth call to Environment for Life programme
The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic has announced preparations for the sixth call to participate in the Environment for Life programme, aimed at supporting environment-related applied research, experimental development, and innovation. The…
Fourth call to TRANSPORT 2020+
On 6 April 2022, the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic announced the fourth call to participate in the TRANSPORT 2020+ programme.
TREND programme announces two more calls
The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TA CR) has published the preliminary parameters of the 6th and 7th public call to participate in the TREND programme focusing on providing support to industrial research and experimental development. The…
First call under National Recovery Plan
The Ministry of Industry and Trade has announced the first call under the National Recovery Plan. The aim of the Photovoltaic systems with/without accumulation call is to support projects that will increase the installed capacity of photovoltaic…