VAT on sale of building land to related party

The Supreme Administrative Court (SAC) dealt with a dispute over the tax liability arising from the sale of land between a company and its sole owner and director/statutory representative. The company regarded the sale as an exempt transaction. The…

Can subsidiaries deduct VAT on supplies received by parent?

The Supreme Administrative Court (SAC) recently dealt with a complaint by a subsidiary regarding the right to deduct input VAT on an invoice received. The transaction involved advisory services provided by a parent company's financial advisor. They…

VAT perspective on e-invoicing in EU

The digitisation of the tax agenda and the related introduction of electronic invoicing (in the form of e-invoicing) is becoming increasingly relevant. During its EU presidency, Belgium pushed forward negotiations with other member states and…

Time factor and standard of proof in tax inspection

In its recent judgment, the Supreme Administrative Court (SAC) dealt with the issue of proving the right to deduct VAT on supplies of assembly work and the amount of evidence that the tax administrator may require considering the time elapsed…

When is an additional VAT return really necessary?

Corrections to already filed VAT returns are not uncommon in practice. Often, we either do not have the tax documents in the period to which they relate or we simply forget to include them. Let's take a look at situations when we are obliged to file…

CJEU on fixed establishment for VAT purposes

In case C 533/22 SC Adient Ltd & Co. KG, the CJEU confirmed its earlier conclusions regarding the origination of a fixed establishment for VAT purposes. In the present case, as in cases C 232/22 Cabot Plastics and C 333/20 Berlin Chemie, the court…

Amendment to VAT Act 2025 in detail – Part III

We present a continuation of the overview of the most important changes contained in the draft amendment to the Value Added Tax Act. As we have already informed our readers, the amendment has gone through the comment procedure, and a version for the…

CJEU: free-of-charge supply of heat subject to VAT

The Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) has ruled that the supply of heat free of charge is subject to VAT whether or not the recipient uses it to carry out economic activities. To determine the taxable amount, the cost price must include both direct…

VAT perspective on various options of providing company cars to employees

Providing company cars to employees for their private use is an increasingly common benefit. What are the VAT implications for employers when providing car to employees free of charge? Does the situation change if the cars are provided to employees…

What’s in the revised ViDA proposal?

On 8 May 2024, the European Commission published an updated proposal for the VAT in the Digital Age (ViDA) package, to be discussed at the June ECOFIN meeting with the aim to reach an agreement during the Belgian Presidency of the EU Council. The…

Amendment to VAT Act 2025 heads to chamber of deputies

Below, we are bringing you up to date on the amendment to the VAT Act 2025. The draft amendment has already gone through the comment procedure, and the version for the government meeting has been published. It contains several changes after the…

Interest on retained VAT deduction: SAC verdict closes another chapter

In its recent judgment, the Supreme Administrative Court (SAC) has ruled that the statutory rate of interest on retained VAT deductions for the 2017 to 2020 period was in line with EU law. This dashed the hopes of many taxpayers who following a…