Tax & Legal Update

2018 through the eyes of the Ministry of Finance

What was the last tax year like according to financial administration officials? The published statistics show interesting figures and facts: In 2018, the financial administration completed, among other things, 32 577 tax inspections and procedures…

Latest News, July 2019

Last month’s tax and legal news in a few sentences.

Parliament passes extensive amendment to Foreign Nationals’ Residence Act

The amendment underwent significant changes in the course of the legislative process. The approved wording includes the government’s authorisation to set economic migration quotas and to activate extraordinary work visas. The amendment will also…

General meeting’s consent to transfer or pledge part of a business establishment

The Supreme Court sided with a formal and material approach to the ‘part of a business establishment’ term, specifying when the general meeting’s consent is required to transfer or pledge a significant part of a business establishment.

EU introduces parental leave for both partners and ten-day paternity leave

The rate of employment for women in the EU is by 11.6% lower than that of men and, moreover, a third of all EU women work only part-time. Differences in employment are much more profound for parents and other persons with care responsibilities.…

Renewable energy sources for all Europeans

The last of the eight legislative acts constituting the Winter Energy Package was published in the European Union’s Official Journal in June. Submitted by the European Commission in November 2016, the changes to EU energy legislation aiming to…

Amendment to Asset Valuation Act to define market value

Draft amendment to the Asset Valuation Act submitted by the government to parliament aims to introduce a definition of market value as an alternative valuation method into Czech law. If passed, the new law should enter into effect on 1 January 2021.

Revolution in AML to affect all legal entities

With the implementation deadline for the fifth AML Directive approaching, preparations of legislative proposals transposing it into Czech laws are underway, including, among others, an amendment to the Czech AML Act (No. 253/2008 Coll. – Act on…

Class action lawsuits are coming to the Czech Republic. Retail better get ready!

A separate bill drafted by the justice ministry is to introduce the class action to Czech law, allowing holders (or purported holders) of identical or similar claims to assert these in court jointly, in single proceedings. This could mainly affect…

GFD admits a looser interpretation of transitional provisions on R&D allowance

The General Financial Directorate (GFD) published information on the application of transitional provisions of the tax package that entered into effect on 1 April 2019. It mainly concerns research and development allowances and regulates the…

Rate package to tax one-crown bonds

The government has passed a so called rate package aiming to boost public budget revenues. Some points were added to the finance ministry’s original bill, in particular the taxation of one-crown bonds. The proposed taxation of insurers’ technical…

Amendment to Investment Incentives Act passed by Chamber of Deputies

The new Investment Incentives Act reflects structural changes taking place in the economy since its last amendment in 2015. It introduces several modifications significantly affecting the process of awarding investment incentives: for instance,…