
Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs provides easier labour market access for…

The employment of foreigners has long raised a number of practical questions that employers and foreigners themselves often find difficult to answer. The Act on the Residence of Foreign Nationals in the Czech Republic (Foreigners’ Residence Act) or…

Last year’s development of competition law – Czech Anti-Trust Office case law (II)

In this article, we summarise the decision-making practice of the Office for the Protection of Competition (“Anti-Trust Office”) in individual areas, including related statistics. We also focus on how successful competitors have been in…

Current developments in green finance

Although the Czech Republic is hardly a European leader in green investment and sustainable finance, financial institutions, headed by big banks, are getting ready for the new regulation. Apart from increasing transparency, the following years will…

Detailed home office regulation still not in sight (II): employee monitoring

In this article, we deal with the pitfalls that the monitoring of employees working from home may pose for employers. In this case, the employer’s right to know whether employees are performing the assigned work during working hours and are not…

Consular fees payable by card at 76 more embassies

Since March of last year, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the CR has been testing a non-cash payments project at selected embassies. During the testing period, it was possible to pay consular fees at these embassies not only in cash, by bank…

Ban on dual food quality and other novelties in sales regulation

Effective 12 May 2021, the amendment to the Food and Tobacco Products Act responds to legislative changes at the EU level. In particular, it prohibits the marketing of dual-quality food and introduces stricter traceability of tobacco products. It…

Last year’s development of competition law and its present impact — I

The Office for the Protection of Competition has published its annual report for 2020, which, inter alia, deals with legislative developments and decision-making practices in the field of competition law. This article summarises changes in…

Detailed home-office regulation still not in sight

While with the COVID-19 pandemic working from home has been a hot labour-law topic for over a year, its detailed regulation in the Labour Code is still missing. This should change with the amendment to the Labour Code proposed by KDU-ČSL deputies.…

Representation of limited liability company by statutory representatives and its…

When founding and operating a limited liability company, its members usually deal with the issue of setting up its corporate governance and defining the powers of the statutory representatives (executives). In this article, we will present the…

Concluding contracts between single-member companies and their members

In small, single-member companies, the member is usually closely involved in the company's activities and its management, therefore often holding the office of the statutory body. Sometimes, the sole member who represents the company as its…

Census obligatory for Czechs and foreigners

On Saturday, 27 March, the 2021 Population and Housing Census began, for the first time in history offering the possibility of online participation. Whom does it concern, what obligations does it involve and what should be watched out for?

EU introduces stricter controls of goods on import

Importers of goods into the EU should beware. From 15 March 2021, Release 1 of ICS2 – a new electronic system for controlling imports of goods into the EU – is underway. ICS2 will contribute to increasing the effectiveness of customs controls,…