
Class action act heading to senate

The Act on Collective Proceedings has passed its third reading in the chamber of deputies and is awaiting approval by the senate. It transposes an EU directive and aims to ensure better protection of collective consumer interests in disputes with…

Exposing illegal work and disguised agencies labour inspectorate’s main focus

The State Labour Inspection Office carries out almost 20,000 inspections each year. In 2023, there were 19,977, i.e., 1.5 thousand more than in the previous year. The largest number of inspections focused on work safety, but inspections of illegal…

Register of representations – revolution in registration of powers of attorney

The government's amendment to the Basic Registers Act brings a significant change in the registration of legal representation. It will now be possible to choose between the traditional paper form, and the modern electronic form of power of attorney.…

Flexibility amendment to Labour Code headed into comment procedure

A flexibility amendment (flexinovela in Czech) to the Labour Code recently presented by the Minister of Labour and Social Affairs has already been sent to official commenting points. Its main objective is to increase the flexibility of labour…

New chance for temporary protection holders: conversion to long-term residence

Following a consensus at the European Union level, the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic is planning further changes concerning the residence of Ukrainian citizens who have fled their country in connection with the Russian aggression.…

Chamber of deputies passes amendment important in company conversions

The Chamber of Deputies has passed an important amendment to the Act on Conversions of Commercial Companies and Cooperatives (the Company Conversion Act). Its main novelties deal with the transfer a company's registered office outside the European…

Employment of foreigners from third countries to undergo further changes

Effective 1 July 2024, the Employment Act will undergo significant changes which will affect foreigners from countries outside the European Union without free access to the labour market. Specifically, processes relating to the reporting of job…

Non-performing loans – regulation of credit purchasers and servicers

Following the EU directive, a new law on the non-performing loan market was passed, regulating the credit trading and servicing sector. Collection agencies will be required to obtain a licence and will be subject to supervision by the Czech National…

Major amendment to Code of Administrative Justice – evolution or revolution?

After more than twenty years, the Code of Administrative Justice is about to undergo a significant amendment to reflect the decision-making practice of the Supreme Administrative Court (SAC), and to overcome or eliminate the shortcomings of previous…

Changes in employment of persons with disabilities underway

The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs has submitted a legislative proposal for changes concerning the employment of persons with disabilities. The amendment to the Employment Act contains new conditions for the payment of an allowance to support…

Regulated gender ratio in companies

The Czech Republic must comply with obligations under EU law regarding the gender balance in the management of certain listed companies. The Minister for European Affairs proposes to stipulate the new obligations in an amendment to the Capital…

Redefining relevant market in competition law

For the first time since 1997, the European Commission has adopted a new notice on the definition of the relevant market. The definition plays a crucial role in the assessment of cartels and mergers, and in other areas of competition law. The notice…