World news

New OECD report on Pillar One – Amount B

The OECD’s Pillar I and Pillar II initiatives to reform international taxation aim to address tax challenges arising from the digitisation of the economy and ensure a fairer distribution of profits and taxing rights among countries in the globalised…

Development of administrative practice in VAT treatment of fuel cards

The application of VAT on fuel cards has been a highly scrutinised topic. Fuel cards are often used by vehicle operators for refuelling. In September this year, the VAT Committee issued new guidance after re-visiting the EU Court of Justice's ruling…

Pillar 1: first draft of multilateral convention

The OECD has published the first draft of a multilateral convention to implement the rules for the reallocation of a portion of profits (Amount A) of large multinational groups to countries where their end customers or service users are located (the…

Proposal for transfer pricing directive

The European Commission has published a proposal for a transfer pricing directive to unify procedures for the application of EU transfer pricing rules regarding the definition of related parties and the setting of arm’s length prices.

Impact of sanctions against Russia on importers of iron and steel products

From 30 September 2023, importers of iron and steel products into the EU are newly obliged to prove that they did not use iron or steel of Russian origin in their production. The measure is part of a package of sanctions against Russia that had been…

ViDA and its impact on platform economy

The draft VAT in the Digital Age (ViDA) Directive promises to modernise the VAT system across the European Union. The aim is to increase EU tax revenues, digitalise reporting, defend against tax fraud more effectively, and move towards a definitive…

BEFIT: Another step towards uniform income taxation rules in EU

The European Commission has published its draft BEFIT (Business in Europe: Framework for Income Taxation) directive, which proposes a uniform approach to the taxation of large multinational groups in the EU and is the result of the EC's continuing…

CJEU issues another judgment on fixed establishments for VAT purposes

The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) has held that where a customer receives services based on an exclusive contract for the provision of services in a state other than the state in which their business is located, the resources of the…

Minimum tax: current OECD and Czech developments

In July, the OECD published details on the content of the top-up tax information return, and additions to the administrative guidance. The Czech Ministry of Finance then published the outcome of the comments filed during the comment procedure and…

New GBER public aid rules in force since July

At the end of June, the European Commission officially issued an amendment to the GBER, aiming to simplify and streamline the provision of aid for the EU's green and digital transition. Below, we summarise the most important changes.

UK to require travel authorisation for EU citizens

Following Brexit in 2021, the United Kingdom became a third country and no longer benefits from the free movement of persons and services within the European Union. So far, the withdrawal agreement has allowed visa-free travel for Czech citizens…

Ambitious customs legislation amendment coming soon

The most ambitious amendment to customs legislation since 1968 is heading to the MEPs. Prepared by the European Commission, it aims for EU customs to make full use of electronic data, and to significantly simplify customs procedures.